Unlock the Power of Dynamic Calculated Tailwind Classes in Shadcn UI with React
Image by Jonella - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlock the Power of Dynamic Calculated Tailwind Classes in Shadcn UI with React

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Are you tired of writing tedious CSS code to style your React components? Do you want to take your Shadcn UI project to the next level with dynamic calculated classes? Look no further! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Tailwind CSS and explore how to use dynamic calculated classes in Shadcn UI with React.

What are Dynamic Calculated Classes?

Dynamic calculated classes are a powerful feature in Tailwind CSS that allows you to generate utility classes based on a set of predefined rules. This means you can create classes that change depending on the component’s props, state, or even external factors like screen size or user input.

Why Use Dynamic Calculated Classes?

  • Conditional Styling**: Dynamic calculated classes enable you to apply styles conditionally based on your component’s state or props, making your code more efficient and easier to maintain.
  • Faster Development**: With dynamic calculated classes, you can create complex styles without writing a single line of CSS, saving you time and effort.
  • Improved Code Quality**: By separating concerns and keeping your styles organized, you can write cleaner, more modular code that’s easier to understand and debug.


Before we dive into the tutorial, make sure you have the following installed:

  • Shadcn UI**: A UI library built on top of React, providing a set of pre-designed components and a layout system.
  • Tailwind CSS**: A utility-first CSS framework that provides a set of pre-defined classes to style your components.
  • React**: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

Step 1: Set up Tailwind CSS with Shadcn UI and React

First, let’s create a new Shadcn UI project with React. Run the following command in your terminal:

npx create-shadcn-app my-app

Next, install Tailwind CSS using npm or yarn:

npm install tailwindcss

Create a new file called `tailwind.config.js` in the root of your project and add the following configuration:

module.exports = {
  mode: 'jit',
  purge: ['./src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', './public/index.html'],
  theme: {
    extend: {},
  variants: {},
  plugins: [],

In your `index.js` file, add the following code to import Tailwind CSS:

import 'tailwindcss/base';
import 'tailwindcss/components';
import 'tailwindcss/utilities';

Step 2: Create a Dynamic Calculated Class

Now that we have Tailwind CSS set up, let’s create a dynamic calculated class. Create a new file called `Button.js` in your `src/components` directory:

import React from 'react';

const Button = ({ variant, size, isLoading }) => {
  const className = `${variant ? `bg-${variant}` : ''} ${size ? `text-${size}` : ''} ${isLoading ? 'opacity-50' : ''}`;

  return (
    <button className={className}>
      {isLoading ? 'Loading...' : 'Click me!'}

export default Button;

In this example, we’re using template literals to generate a class name based on the `variant`, `size`, and `isLoading` props. The resulting class will be applied to the `button` element.

How it Works

Tailwind CSS provides a set of utility classes that you can use to style your components. By using template literals, we can dynamically generate a class name that combines multiple utility classes based on our component’s props.

Prop Class Generator Resulting Class
variant=”primary” bg-${variant} bg-primary
size=”lg” text-${size} text-lg
isLoading=true opacity-50 opacity-50

Step 3: Use the Dynamic Calculated Class

Now that we have our dynamic calculated class, let’s use it in our App component:

import React from 'react';
import Button from './Button';

const App = () => {
  return (
      <Button variant="primary" size="lg" isLoading={true} />
      <Button variant="secondary" size="sm" isLoading={false} />

export default App;

In this example, we’re passing `variant`, `size`, and `isLoading` props to the `Button` component. The resulting class will be generated dynamically based on these props.


When you run the app, you should see two buttons with different styles based on the props passed to the `Button` component.

<button class="bg-primary text-lg opacity-50">Loading...</button>
<button class="bg-secondary text-sm">Click me!</button>

Advanced Techniques

Now that you’ve mastered the basics of dynamic calculated classes, let’s explore some advanced techniques to take your styling to the next level.

Nesting Conditional Styles

You can nest conditional styles using the `&` operator:

const className = `${variant ? `bg-${variant}` : ''} ${size ? `text-${size}` : ''} ${isLoading ? 'opacity-50' : ''} ${variant === 'primary' && size === 'lg' ? 'shadow-md' : ''}`;

In this example, we’re adding an additional condition to apply a `shadow-md` class only when `variant` is “primary” and `size` is “lg”.

Using External Data Sources

You can use external data sources like APIs or local storage to dynamically generate classes:

import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

const Button = () => {
  const [theme, setTheme] = useState('light');

  useEffect(() => {
      .then(response => response.json())
      .then(data => setTheme(data.theme));
  }, []);

  const className = theme === 'dark' ? 'text-white' : 'text-black';

  return (
    <button className={className}>Click me!</button>

In this example, we’re using the `useState` and `useEffect` hooks to fetch the current theme from an API and update the class name accordingly.


In this article, we’ve explored the power of dynamic calculated classes in Shadcn UI with React. By using Tailwind CSS and template literals, we can create complex styles without writing a single line of CSS. Remember to keep your classes organized, use conditional styling, and experiment with advanced techniques to take your styling to the next level.

Happy coding, and don’t forget to share your creations with the Shadcn UI community!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “How to use dynamic calculated tailwind classes in Shadcn UI with react”:

Frequently Asked Question

Unlock the power of dynamic calculated tailwind classes in Shadcn UI with React! Get answers to the most frequently asked questions on how to make your UI components more flexible and responsive.

How do I calculate dynamic tailwind classes in Shadcn UI with React?

To calculate dynamic tailwind classes in Shadcn UI with React, you can use template literals to define a function that returns the calculated class. For example, you can create a function `getTailwindClasses` that takes in props and returns a string of tailwind classes. Then, you can use this function in your React component to set the `className` prop.

How do I use Shadcn UI’s theme to calculate dynamic tailwind classes?

Shadcn UI provides a theme object that contains values for different theme variables. You can access these values in your React component and use them to calculate dynamic tailwind classes. For example, you can use the `theme.breakpoints` array to calculate responsive classes based on the current screen size.

Can I use JavaScript expressions to calculate dynamic tailwind classes?

Yes, you can use JavaScript expressions to calculate dynamic tailwind classes. This allows you to perform more complex calculations and conditional logic to determine the class names. For example, you can use a ternary operator to conditionally add a class based on a props value.

How do I handle multiple classes with dynamic calculations?

When handling multiple classes with dynamic calculations, you can use the `classnames` library to concatenate multiple class names into a single string. This allows you to easily manage multiple classes and conditionally add or remove them based on props or theme values.

Are there any performance considerations when using dynamic calculated tailwind classes?

Yes, when using dynamic calculated tailwind classes, there are performance considerations to keep in mind. Since the classes are calculated at runtime, it can impact performance if not optimized properly. To mitigate this, use memoization or caching to reduce the number of recalculations and optimize the performance of your application.