Solving the Problem with Many Connections from RHEL 8.10 to MSSQL Server
Image by Jonella -

Solving the Problem with Many Connections from RHEL 8.10 to MSSQL Server

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If you’re experiencing issues with multiple connections from RHEL 8.10 to your MSSQL Server, you’re not alone. This common problem can lead to performance degradation, increased latency, and even crashes. But fear not, dear reader, for we’ve got the solution right here!

What’s Causing the Problem?

Before we dive into the fix, let’s understand what’s causing this issue. There are a few culprits at play:

  • Inadequate Connection Pooling: By default, RHEL 8.10 doesn’t enable connection pooling for MSSQL Server connections. This means that each time your application requests a connection, a new one is established, leading to a multitude of connections.
  • Insufficient Server Resources: If your MSSQL Server is under-resourced, it may struggle to handle the sheer number of connections, resulting in performance issues.
  • Incorrect Driver Configuration: Misconfigured ODBC drivers or incorrect connection strings can contribute to the problem.

Step 1: Enable Connection Pooling

To enable connection pooling, you’ll need to modify the ODBC configuration file. Don’t worry, it’s easier than it sounds!

sudo su
cd /etc
nano odbcinst.ini

Add the following lines to the end of the file:

CPTimeout = 300
CPMaxConnections = 100

Save and exit the file. This sets the connection pool timeout to 300 seconds and the maximum connections to 100.

Step 2: Optimize MSSQL Server Resources

To ensure your MSSQL Server can handle the connections, let’s optimize its resources:

Increase the Maximum Worker Threads:

EXEC sp_configure 'max worker threads', 2048;

Adjust the Maximum Connections:

EXEC sp_configure 'user connections', 500;

Configure the Connection Timeout:

EXEC sp_configure 'remote query timeout', 600;

Step 3: Correct Driver Configuration

Now, let’s ensure the ODBC driver is correctly configured:

Create a System DSN:

sudo odbcinst -i -d -n "MSSQL Server" -t "MS SQL Server"

Configure the Connection String:

 Driver={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};Server=tcp:your_server_name,1433;Database=your_database_name;Uid=your_username;Pwd=your_password;

Replace the placeholders with your actual server details.

Step 4: Monitor and Adjust

After implementing these changes, monitor your MSSQL Server’s performance and connection count:

Use the MSSQL Server Management Studio:

SELECT Count(*) AS Connections
FROM sys.sysprocesses
WHERE dbid = DB_ID('your_database_name');

If you still notice issues, adjust the connection pooling settings, server resources, or driver configuration as needed.

Additional Tips and Tricks

To further optimize your setup:

  • Implement Connection Pooling at the Application Level: Consider using a connection pooling library or framework-specific solutions to complement the ODBC connection pooling.
  • Use Query Caching: Enable query caching to reduce the load on your MSSQL Server and improve performance.
  • Regularly Update Your ODBC Driver: Ensure you’re running the latest ODBC driver version to take advantage of performance enhancements and bug fixes.


Solving the problem of many connections from RHEL 8.10 to MSSQL Server requires a combination of connection pooling, server resource optimization, and correct driver configuration. By following these steps and tips, you’ll be well on your way to a more efficient, high-performing setup. Remember to monitor and adjust as needed to ensure your system runs smoothly.

Keyword Description
RHEL 8.10 Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 8.10
MSSQL Server Microsoft SQL Server database management system
ODBC Open Database Connectivity, a standard for accessing database management systems
Connection Pooling A technique for reusing existing connections to improve performance and reduce overhead

By addressing the problem of many connections from RHEL 8.10 to MSSQL Server, you’ll be able to:

  1. Improve system performance and responsiveness
  2. Reduce latency and connection timeouts
  3. Enhance overall system reliability and stability
  4. Optimize resource utilization and reduce overhead

Get started today and say goodbye to connection woes!

Frequently Asked Question

Struggling with connections from RHEL 8.10 to MSSQL Server? You’re not alone! Check out these FAQs to troubleshoot and resolve your issues.

Q: What could be causing multiple connections from RHEL 8.10 to my MSSQL Server?

A: This issue might be due to various factors, including incorrect configuration, high resource utilization, or even a misbehaving application. Check your system logs, application logs, and MSSQL Server logs to identify the root cause. Verify that your firewall rules and network settings are correctly configured.

Q: How can I monitor the connections and identify the source of the issue?

A: You can use tools like `netstat` and `ss` commands to monitor active connections on your RHEL 8.10 system. Additionally, you can leverage MSSQL Server’s built-in features, such as the `sys.dm_exec_connections` and `sys.dm_exec_sessions` system views, to gather more information about the connections.

Q: Is it possible that a single application is causing the multiple connections?

A: Yes, it’s possible! A single application can create multiple connections to the MSSQL Server. Check the application’s configuration files and logs to see if it’s opening multiple connections. You can also use tools like `strace` or `SystemTap` to trace the application’s system calls and identify the source of the connections.

Q: Can I limit the number of connections from my RHEL 8.10 system to the MSSQL Server?

A: Yes, you can! Configure the MSSQL Server to limit the number of connections using the `max_connections` option. You can also implement connection pooling or load balancing to distribute the connections and reduce the load on the server.

Q: Are there any specific RHEL 8.10 settings that I should check to resolve the issue?

A: Yes! Check the RHEL 8.10 system settings, such as the `tcp_tw_reuse` and `tcp_tw_recycle` kernel parameters, which can affect connection establishment and termination. Also, verify that your system’s firewall rules and SELinux settings are not blocking or restricting the connections.

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